
Ask for help, and then, for crying out loud, accept it!

It’s important to ask for help from your highest source. We all must remember that our highest source has our back. And that source will often send good people our way as help.

If we turn away from these good people, we are literally turning away the help sent by our highest source.

Here’s the funny piece. We think we are being independent when we decline one’s help. Actually we’re being so independent that we fail to see the good side of asking for help.

A highest source reminds us that we have fabulous connections in our life (already in place!) And they will be the one’s to provide the help.

It’s as though our highest source is saying, “Hey, no worries, I will give a nudge to your wife or your boss or your best friend or your mechanic or your pastor… I’ll let them know that they have the exact gift you need…so hang in there for a day or so and I will send this lovely person with their gifts your way.  I know you will welcome him because I sent him.”

That’s your highest source at work.

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