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“Your pain has purpose.”

And that purpose is BIG when abuse, addiction, and prostitution are part of your story.

Sharon Blake, author of Chronicles of Pain, shares her conquest of releasing the past and finding love where it’s real.

Not where it’s quick and false.

Pregnant by age 14, Sharon originally searched for love with boys, as it wasn’t in her home or anywhere outside of it.

In fact, both places swarmed with racism and ostracism.

After Sharon’s final surrender and decision to heal, she fashioned her own tools to pave the road to her new life:

A relationship with God
And the lessons and memories of her godmother

Sharon’s work now is to spread the message of hope and redemption in the homeless community where her life serves as proof that there is much life after pain.

Formal Bio:

July 28, 2015 – Sharon is a mother of three children, “nana” to four grandchildren, and author of the book, Chronicles of Pain.

Sharon herself has overcome some major barriers in her life, she has been homeless and is an ex- addict, ex-prostitute and a domestic violence survivor.

The person she became originated from her childhood and would require a major overhaul of her thoughts, will, and her emotions. Her desire is to promote hope and healing to those who need hope and healing.

Sharon’s life would not be her life without the love of her father Jesus Christ, to him she owes more than she can give. This is her way of giving her life away, by being transparent in order to help someone else. She has an AA degree in Human Service Management as well as Chemical Dependency Trainee Certificate through the state of Washington.

Her work with the homeless/addicted population has inspired her to share her story, this is where she recognized the importance of being transparent in helping others.

The goals for writing this book is to help shed light on why individuals get to some very desolate places in life .

Her programs includes creating women’s recovery and support groups Sharon’s dream is to open a women’s home to help women get off the streets.


Listen to “Overcoming Barriers with Sharon Stone 7/28/15” on Spreaker.

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