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imgres-1August 5, 2014. Guest, Cynthia Occelli, is a women’s empowerment expert and the founder of the Beautiful Life School. Once a teen-welfare mom, with only a 9th grade education, Cynthia reached for a better life. She built a real estate business and went to law school. In 2002, her life was turned upside down when her husband was disabled by a devastating stroke leaving her to raise two children, run multiple businesses, carry a huge mortgage, and grapple with several law suits–alone. She credits this harrowing time with her decision to stop living in fear and to follow her dreams, regardless of other people’s opinions. She built a thriving coaching business, wrote, her book, “Resurrecting Venus”, became a Hay House Radio host, and then turned fiercely toward her passion and created the Beautiful Life School–an online program that empowers women to take ownership of their inherent worth, create their dreams, and live their heart’s desires.  Website:

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