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January 22, 2013:  Guest, Chris Attwood, a true expert on the topic of passion will join us today!  We ALL have a passion tucked inside of us.  Passion arises from the heart, and the purpose of The Passion Test process is to connect you with the things you love most. This includes the things you love doing, the people you love being around, the places where you love to spend time, the kinds of environments you love being in, and the things you love having. Meaning arises from living a life connected to what you love.

Chris and his business partner, Janet Bray Attwood, have trained over 500 Passion Test Facilitators around the world.  Chris is also an expert in creating “enlightened alliances,” having played a key role in arranging 70% of the interviews for the movie phenomenon, The Secret, and in creating the alliance relationships that launched #1 NY Times bestselling author, T. Harv Eker, in the United States.  Chris is also the co-founder of online magazine Healthy Wealthy nWise and a partner in Enlightened Alliances, a marketing consulting firm.  Through his magazine and his company, Chris has interviewed and worked with some of the most successful people in the world including Wayne Dyer, Paula Abdul, Robert Kiyosaki, David Lynch, Jack Canfield, Rhonda Byrne, Muhammad Yunus, Barbara DeAngelis, Tony Robbins, and many others.

Although Janet Bray Attwood from the Passion Test will not be joining us today, learn more about her work at their website: Find the test here too!!

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