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September 27, 2016 – The first sign you’re on autopilot is when you feel you don’t have a choice. OR when you entertain other choices – they don’t feel doable.
Sound familiar?
Executive Leadership Consultant, Sara Harvey Yao, joined us on the show to discuss one of the most elusive survival skills of busy people and how we can, as the title of her new book implies, “Drop in” to our lives.
This important interview is for those willing to question their own illusions and for anyone “too busy” to slow down.
Formal Bio:
Sara Harvey Yao is an Executive Leadership Consultant who specializes in helping leaders strengthen their presence and improve their impact.
She is the founder of Yao Consulting Group and has personally developed and trained more than 3,500 leaders across the globe. Companies eagerly invest in Sara’s expertise because she has an impeccable track record for helping leaders gain immense self-awareness, expand their influence and create a more compelling presence.
Sara’s coaching skills are favored by countless executives from leading companies, among them Microsoft, Coldwell Banker Bain and Coinstar and her work has been seen on CNBC, NPR Marketplace and King 5 News. She is the author of the book, Get Present: Simple Strategies to Get Out of Your Head and Lead More Powerfully.
Whether working one-on-one, as a facilitator, or engaging speaker, Sara is committed to guiding clients to clarity about behaviors, ego tactics, and influencing styles that hamper conscious leadership.
Listen to “Off of Autopilot with Sara Harvey Yao 09/27/16” on Spreaker.
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