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Todd Alan set the stage for featured guest, Doug Vermeeren, and introduced him as a film-maker and blogger, but most of all, a modern day Napoleon Hill.  Doug launched in with, “It all started in cub scouts after meeting a real life Indian Jones.”  This impressionable leader asked all the scouts to write down 100 things they wanted to do with their lives.  Doug admits, “I wrote 112.”

Not surprising.  What young male would ignore the keen style of Indian Jones?  Doug fast forwarded to his modern day experience and shared that people are very concerned with this common question:  Is it realistic that “I” become rich?  Such inquiry is so popular with the messages Todd Alan brings to his listeners–can these gifts happen for me?  Will I find abundance?  Am I the right type?  Doug offered a frank and encouraging reply, “The minute your mind believes it, the mind can also get busy working on it.”

Creating our own probable actions is the key, as Doug and previous guests have testified, to achieving abundance.  But what does abundance have to do with gratitude?  “We have to harness the power of gratitude [because] direction is more important than destination.  We find our greatest self and life unfolds.”  That greater self knows better than any part of us that we are worthy of achieving abundance.  We must put that great self to work!

Finally, Todd Alan inquired how gratitude can become a practice.  Now Vermeeren turned to the wisdom of Confucius and reminded the listeners, “We all need a crew to become our best.” We all know a few people who want to support our dreams.  But what would it look like to invite all who could benefit from our services?  If we remove the block that launching our vision has its problems and see it from Doug’s stand point–“they are simply puzzles”–it is reasonable and more intuitive to draw in the team necessary to maximize goals.

So, I leave you with these ideas:  Practice gratitude.  Watch your crew expand.  Enjoy a new experience of abundance.



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