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Even when you feel alone, there’s another realm that’s full of love, support, and guidance.

Don’t believe us?

Stephanie Banks will change your mind.

So you may have heard that hers is a story about an out of body experience after a terrible mountain bike crash.

But it’s more about an awakening.

More mindfulness, sure. More appreciation and gratitude, of course.

But also, there’s this:

When Banks was recovering, she sat down to write (she couldn’t do much else), and the first piece written was a letter to herself…from her deceased mother.

In her mother’s handwriting…

Born into a family of intuitives, Banks tapped back into her roots and received profound messages from outside guides about life, death, ego, where we’re headed as a society.

Her book is a compilation of insights from forces we can’t see and the wisdom gained from tapping into God, our “true narrative,” and our real potential.

Formal Bio:

July 7th, 2015 – Stephanie Banks was born into a family of intuitives who encouraged fostering faith in accepting guidance from within as well as from other realms that surround our own. Prior to her near-death experience, she led a life directed by modern day terms that lacked depth and clarity. Immediately following her encounter with death, her life transformed to that of an awakened soul. She has now dedicated her life to mastering ancient wisdom and writing candidly about all she learns through this process. Her unfailing connection to the non-physical realm has offered guidance and transformation to all those who seek profound insight into our existence.

Stephanie attended the University of Western Ontario, and is currently enrolled in the master class of spiritual enlightenment. She lives with her family in British Columbia.


Listen to “A Soulful Awakening with Stephanie Banks 7/7/15” on Spreaker.

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