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urlApril 8, 2014.  Guest, Kris Prochaska was once a therapist and now a life coach.  Kris uses her intuitive insight, clinical skills and business savvy to blow up the myths and excuses that keep women entrepreneurs and executives stuck in the middle–the place where they dream big and play small.  Compassionately, she has helped hundreds of women learn to calm the little voices in their heads of doubt, fear, and shame and step into being powerful thought leaders at home and in business.  She believes four characteristics of successful people include Clarity, Courage, Conviction and Commitment.  She resides in the Northwest and is the author of, Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice and Prosper.  Visit her website at


Listen to “Your Inner Voice with Kris Prochaska 4/8/14” on Spreaker.

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