Secrets to Spiritually-based Leadership with Anneli Driessen Ph.D.

Anneli Driessen Ph.D., Ph.D., MCC July 13, 2023
Anneli Driessen is a successful clinical therapist, business executive, consultant, confidant, mentor, and Master-certified coach to CEOs and other C-level executives.
Anneli is the founder and CEO of the International Metaphysical Academy in Victoria, BC, Canada, with its early beginnings in 1995.
The Academy’s mission is to encourage independent thinking and provide new knowledge, self-evaluation, and personal development.
Anneli provides metaphysically-oriented coaching for individuals and groups. She conducts and facilitates public workshops and a cutting-edge metaphysical graduate program.
Her book Ultimate Success – 7 Secrets to Spiritually-Based Leadership is a unique guide to assist individuals in accelerating personal and career performance by integrating divine principles and universal ethics rooted within most religious and spiritual traditions.
As a contributing writer to the book The Gift from the Universe through Women that Lead, Anneli shares her story, calling, and vision.
Meet Anneli Driessen

“UPLIFT” was the Word for Me

I think I was born with a divine gift to be connected. I’ve always been a spiritual being. I love the expansive world.”

Elliott Robertson has created a lyrical, soaring, small and intimate book, Say Yes to Life: 7 Keys to Living Full Out from Within, that guides the reader to a renewed commitment to love life without conditions.

Elliott Robertson

Elliott Robertson started in The Unity Church; became a Quaker; then joined the Episcopal Church. He claims to experience his true self in a spiritual setting.

To say yes to life is to fall into your heart, to fall into the place within you where you are most fully human, most available to encountering the world with love.”

Elliott Robertson

Elliot encouraged us on the show today to go beyond the “monkey mind”, step out of self-made prisons, and say yes to our uniqueness.

Elliott described times in his life when he would compare his want to the abundance others had, and experience jealousy, bitterness, and anger.

I didn’t think I was capable of doing anything other than an entry level job. It didn’t feel fair.”

Overhearing a conversation and the word “uplift” mentioned therein, Elliott knew “that was the word for me”.

I began to take ownership and blame for the ways I had contributed to my situation.”

Elliott Robertson

The first key is “Say yes to EXPANSIVENESS”

Everything I do now is about service and transformation.”

Elliott Robertson

There is an overall increase in depression, especially in our youth. Elliott is hoping his book will be a marinade of self-care.

It’s like a bubble bath at the end of the day.”

Elliott Robertson

The Second Key is “Say yes to your UNIQUENESS.”

We came to the world with unique gifts to share. We should feel comfortable sharing them.

When you’re in your heart, that’s where your true self is. Your divinity. Embrace who you are. The heart is always saying yes. We are unique magnifying glasses for God.”

Elliott Robertson

Elliott mentioned a few other keys:

“Say yes to GRIEF”

“Say yes to HAPPINESS and JOY”

(You’ll have to read Elliott’s book to learn the other KEYS that make a complete 7)

A reason (or two) to read Elliott’s book:

  • Fall in love with yourself
  • Focus more on spiritual growth
  • Trust the universe more
  • Feel happiness and joy
  • Break free from your self-made prison
  • Attain more intimacy and openness

Listen to, and watch, our interview with Elliott Robertson

The Indigo Soul with Yol Swan


February 23rd – What exactly is an Indigo Soul?

Yol Swan explains it beautifully and deeply in our interview.

But in a nutshell, it’s a soul type with characteristics like:

  • High sensitivity – chemical, environmental, emotional, etc.
  • Intuitiveness
  • Compassion
  • Connected to nature
  • Creativity
They are bound to the truth, and freedom seeking by nature.

So what has to happen for these Indigos to forge their paths?

It is the Indigo transformation that can transform the world.

Formal Bio:

Yol Swan is a spiritual counselor, mentor and coach with degrees in literature, music and homeopathy who has taken the understanding of the soul and the wounded Feminine to new cosmic depths.

A modern seer who perceives life as energy, with more than 28 years exploring the mind, psychology, and spirituality, she lives in the mountains of North Carolina and helps people around the world create a joyful and abundant life in alignment with their soul.

Her book, The Indigo Journals, gives Indigos and feminine souls the tools to break free of co-dependency, release themselves from trauma today and the historic imprint of trauma in their DNA, and integrate all aspects of their soul to develop an empowered, 5th-dimensional perception of life.


Listen to “Indigo Souls with Yol Swan 02\23/16” on Spreaker.