Dream Analyst Layne Dalfen believes all dreams have an important and challenging invitation that helps you “become who you are intended to be!”  She doesn’t subscribe to the idea that certain types of dreams mean the same thing to everyone. “The associations our unconscious develops are as unique to each person as their fingerprint, “

In her books–the first shorter volume subtitled The Overview, and the second, subtitled A Deeper Discussion— she shows you how to analyze, evaluate and map your own dreams for the clues that will truly set you free, and bring you closer to what you really desire in life.

 With a 45-year deep background in dream study on the works of Freud, Jung, Perls and Adler, Dalfen shows the process that enables you to understand what your subconscious is trying to reveal to you while you sleep, how that applies directly to some issue that is stressing you, and then the way to use the information presented therein to find the solution.

Oftentimes, you are stuck in a situation because you are continuing to react based on the beliefs and habits that were instilled in you from childhood. Lifelong patterns are your default behavior. This is often your “shadow” side holding back out of fear. But your dreams show you new possibilities-new ways to respond-that would never have occurred to you under the old paradigm, opening you up to your full creative expression–unlimited by past repetitive constructs. Thus, as you reach for and act on these new alternatives, you can discover and experience your true potential.

In her book, Have a Great Dream: Decoding Your Dreams to Discover Your Full Potential, Dalfen encourages you to keep trying her techniques until you hit that “Aha!” moment that illuminates what your subconscious is really trying to tell you.

Listen to “Never Underestimate Your Dreams with Layne Dalfen” on Spreaker.

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